Leggo my Ego....

 I guess some background into who I am and why I would write a blog should be addressed.  I do not wish to be random or impersonal. I am creating this blog to correct the many wrongs you will encounter on a path to seeking true answers to life's puzzle. I am not affiliated with any sect or society. I am a proud member of the Aryan race and if you are too, then lift your heads high and sing it to the trees my brothers and sisters.

 From the Battle of Hastings to the French Revolution my family has helped shape the future of the United States and Europe. I am of a small minority of people with the skill and luck to be able to research my ancestry so far into antiquity through documents. The past becomes alive and an emotional connection forms to the people whose successes and sacrifices allowed me to now exist.

Truth, like the words value and love, is subjective. It can change based on one's outlook on life, experiences and trauma. Even the recording of an event as it happens can be embellished later on at the printer. Hell, two records of the same event can differ greatly from the other. All we can do is gather the facts we can about a topic and without injecting our own bias or prejudices, come to a reasonable conclusion based on the data to prove if its fact or fiction. That is what I will do on this blog the best I can. Some say it is impossible to be completely unbiased because we all are brought up with parental prejudices. Tabula rasa vs Evolution for another day perhaps. For now, I am just a man in the woods, a guardian to fireflies.

Most stories we hear are fearful nonsense thrown up on you by media types and whatever resonates the strongest good or bad, they run with. Do us a favor, if you see something so incredulous that it can only be fake or a psy-op, do not spread it by sharing it online or with family and friends. Let it die a nature death of obscurity. Out of site out of mind.  It loses power and we move on happier ahead thereafter. I had to delete many of my go to alt-news sites and podcasts just because of their tag lines using dreaded, fearful things that was going to happen to get views. That is why most people stopped watching mass media news. It has now infiltrated our corner of the world and makes finding answers harder.

Sad still is when an event from the past reemerges because someone reads something they did not know about and they assume no one else heard about it so they then share it like it's a great mystery. This person's enthusiasm to share somehow gets mixed in with preposterous indictments of its existence. Time after time, I wonder how these types of people can perpetuate unfounded arguments when evidence to the contrary is known and can refute it. By all means tear questionable things apart. But you also have to tear apart why you feel one way or the other about it, consider that all evidence has to be discredited and finally, if it's even worth your time to take it apart at all. I promise you, that when dedication calls me forth, all stones are to be upturned.  

Me and the boys have got your back.

"You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone."        -Marcus Aurelius

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